Hey everyone! I’m Kim Mentzer from the AOK division. I live in North West Arkansas where I’m a college student at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and attend the Rogers and Fayetteville Salvation Army Corps. But this year will be a bit different for me as I am currently studying abroad in Argentina until June 2017. Since I’ve been here, I have started attending the Central Corps of Buenos Aires and have joined the corps songsters group and the corps band, since I am also a Salvation Army bandsman. So, this year I will be writing a blog so that all my band friends back home in the AOK division can hear about some of my experiences.
Hey Everyone! So this month in the Central Corps of Buenos Aires (BsAs), the band, the choir, and the praise and worship team took a trip to Rosario, Argentina, which is about four hours north of BsAs city. The first evening we arrived, we performed an open air evangelical concert in the Parque Alem. It lasted about two hours and, despite being a little cold, it went really well. After the concert, several people from the audience came to talk to us asking about the brass band and the church. And three of them even joined us for the Sunday morning worship service the next day. We played again for Sunday service in the Arroyitos corps of Rosario, and afterwards we went for a small parade and marched about five or six blocks in all.