Divisional Music and Arts Festival - May 2nd

Click the flyer to download!

Click the flyer to download!

The AOK Divisional Music and Arts forces will be holding their final festival in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday, May 2nd! Spread the word and join us along the Tulsa River Trail at 41st Street and Riverside Drive in Tulsa at 2:00 PM for an afternoon of music, drama, and dance.

Important Info:

  • All groups that normally meet at DARTS are involved (Divisional Band, Cherokee Brass, Drama, Dance, DIMPLE, and the praise bands).
  • All members must be in summer uniform (no ties).
  • We will meet at Camp Heart O' Hills at 8:00 PM on Friday, May 1st, just like we normally would for DARTS.
  • We will leave camp at noon on Saturday for Tulsa. Camp is providing a sack lunch.
  • Corps are responsible for transporting their delegates to Tulsa. Following the festival, we will depart for home.
  • We are still providing childcare at the park.