CWW 2016 is in the Books!

The Contemporary Worship Workshop was an incredible event! On October 28th-30th, corps from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana came together for an incredible weekend of learning, study, and spiritual development. Each corps sent their praise team to be coached through a series of rehearsals with an expert instructor. This opportunity for a corps praise team is incredible, and we know it can have a huge impact on every corps who came. Praise teams learned to play together in a more effective way, to prepare new material through effective rehearsals, and came together in fellowship in a way that they may not have been able to at home. We also had a beginners guitar track and a media track. 

The event started with worship led by our Divisional Praise Team and a powerful devotional from DMD Andy Barrington. The rest of the sessions and our worship service were led by our special guest, Mr. Randy Bonifield. Randy is an incredibly gifted and thoughtful worship leader, and he brought many years of expertise and wisdom to bear at this event. It was a true joy to have him lead us in "Come Sing for Joy", which he wrote. This song has been very important to our division for the past year. He displayed everything he spoke to us about; displaying love, humility, and a passion for ministry.

We truly hope that the lessons and concepts learned at the Contemporary Worship Workshop will give corps praise teams a renewed passion and understanding for their ministry. For a full list of those who severed at the workshop, please see below:


Michael Capehart

Jeff Robbins

David Ellis

Randy Bonifield

Jemar Poteat

Hector Lopez

Major Ed Binnix

Capt. Nick Garrison

Jerry Polk

Anna Poff

Andrew Barrington

Jimmy Cox

Session Speaker/Worship Leader

Randy Bonifield

Divisional Praise Band

Jeff Robbins

Jerry Polk

Bannister Chaava

Michael Capehart

Jimmy Cox

House Band

Randy Bonifield

Michael Capehart

Jeff Robbins

Jimmy Cox

Andrew Barrington

Camp Set Up

Camp HOH Staff


Risa Robinson


Nancy Wallace

Audio Tech

Skylark AV

Visual Tech

Anna Poff


Captain Israel Roseno


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