Conservatory Delegate Application

Delegate applications for The Arkansas and Oklahoma Conservatory of Music are now posted! We are very excited for all that God has in store for the Conservatory program this year. The application will now be done online. Please see the following note from Divisional Music Director Andrew Barrington concerning Conservatory applications.

A note from DMD Andrew Barrington:

Here will find a link to our new and improved online application of the AOK Conservatory of Music.  When applying please remember the following:

Every corps is reserved one spot specifically to send a student for the AOK Leadership School (Pastoral, Instrumental, Choral, and Contemporary Worship).  This program is offered for conservatory students from your corps who show potential in leadership.  This has shown real fruit and we encourage every corps to identify and send at least one student for this school.  Your reservation for one spot will be honored until Friday, April 22, 2016.  After this date we will open your spot to other corps.

This year we are offering Brass, Percussion, Piano, Dance, Guitar and Stage Craft as majors.

The AOK Conservatory of Music accepts students ages 12-18.  Students who are 10-11 will be considered after an interview involving the student, DMD, Corps Officer, and Parent.

Students will be accepted first based on previous years' attendance and behavior.  After this, we will accept new students.  Students who have been disciplined on a divisional level in the past year will not be eligible for acceptance without an interview with me.

New students majoring in brass will be eligible to receive a new instrument for their use.  While this instrument belongs to the division, it will be assigned to the corps sending the student and should be added to your inventory.

Please note that we always have a waiting list for conservatory.  It is important to receive your applications as quickly as possible so we can begin the vetting of applicants and to ensure space for your student.  I will routinely post a bed count as we get closer to capacity.  I would love to have every corps represented at Conservatory this year.

I look forward to receiving your applications.  Feel free to contact me with any questions.

-DMD Andrew Barrington